La capacitación , hace la diferencia en la prevención y tratamiento de quemaduras.


ABC de las heridas

Atención básica inicial para el paciente quemado. Más de 720 médicos y personal de salud capacitados.

Fundamentos para atención del paciente, de la herida, estabilización y transporte.

Capacitación a 17,522 estudiantes y profesionales de la salud de diversas carreras como enfermería, medicina, terapia física, paramédico, protección civil.

Hemos brindado capacitación a diversas instituciones como la Secretaria de Seguridad Pública Estatal y Municipal, Bomberos, Protección Civil y Cruz Roja Mexicana.

Each course we provide can be split into three core principles 🍒

We equip each child with the tools and techniques to learn how to draw objects, animals, and humans in a way that is realistic to them. This is a powerful way for children to contextualize the world around them and show how they interpret their surroundings through art.

Principle 1: academic drawing
Principle 2: Creative Arts

This is our unique program based on exploring, playing, and simply having fun. Drawing with eyes closed, making collages, and finding unexpected ways to create art. It's vital for children to have an unstructured way to express their creativity.

Principle 3: Sharing experiences 

Public speaking is a valuable life skill that we believe every child should be empowered to develop. In our safe, creative spaces, we encourage students to share stories with others about their artworks and what has inspired them.